So many thanks go out to everyone who contributed to our Project Backpack. There were almost 30 kids including toddlers and pre schoolers staying at the mission that we provided something for through Ordinary Hero. So many joined together to make sure that these little ones had the proper school supplies and backpacks. It was amazing. I was so blessed to see so many show up with their own little ones to help yesterday with the outreach. I always want to make sure that our own children take part in reaching out to those less fortunate than they.
These were three siblings that were blessed with new backpacks. This little guy above did not want his picture taken until......
I took a cute picture of his sisters.
Then he decided he didn't want to miss out on the photo opp. Then he turned into quite the camera cutie and decided he liked having his picture taken. He and my son, Cam the man, buddied up. So many families came out to help. It was awesome. This adorable little girl was all about her new backpack. Someone gave her the perfect backpack for her little cute personality. Her mother was very thankful to have her daughter all ready for school. Also notice the bag that the mom is holding. An ordinary hero made sure that every mom walked away with special treats as well as made sure that every backpack had it's own custom made name tag. Thanks, Holly. Her mom said that she has become best friends with this little guy in the mission. She and her mom have lived there for two months. I love that the kids stick so close together when they find themselves in such similar circumstances. Amazing volunteers showed up to help in what we found were very tight, hot quarters while trying to organize getting everyone their backpacks. It was a good reminder to everyone what these mom's and kids live in everyday. Cam and this cutie decided to ham it up for the camera. Also notice the large amount of snacks in the picture that a couple of amazing Ordinary Heroes donated to this outreach. This cool dude wanted to show me his awesome trick of rolling his eyes back in his head....very attractive. A few of our amazing volunteers. It was so amazing to see people show up to help that I had never met before. There were people from all different churches, and even blogger friends that I had never met. Sometimes it's hard to look at a mom and her child and imagine her reality of being homeless. The two pictures below are perfect examples. These two little ones below were such dolls. They were the cutest little one's ever. They loved their new backpacks. The little one with Shane below was a little unsure at first. But then we pulled out all the tricks and... There's that cute smile. This mom and her children were all set with their new backpacks. This Ordinary Hero and her children got to meet the young girl that she bought the backpack for. Could she be any cuter?? Her mom told me to take as many pics of her as I wanted because "she knows she's beautiful." Yet another adorable little one with her mom.
More amazing volunteers. These two sisters had no problem showing off their beauty for the camera. I loved watching the children of the volunteers take on the role of helping the other children. The children all got to pick their own coloring book and crayons. This mom was very sweet as she explained to me their situation. These are some of our children volunteers. The one below wins the prize for the best helper. My friend, Janet, and I have been friends since 7th grade. I love what God is doing in her life these days and how she has found her passion now through helping others. It's been amazing to watch her gifts explode. What a huge heart she has....a true Ordinary Hero. On my way out I caught this adorable little cutie for one last shot. I would say that our very first Project Backpack was a huge success. Most of us will never know what these women and their children face on a daily basis by having nowhere to call home...the struggles just to survive....and the tears that they wipe from their children's eyes because of it. Many lives were touched yesterday and I can't thank everyone who organized,donated and contributed in so many ways...enough. These little one's and their mother's were blessed because of you. Thank you for being an Ordinary Hero.
What a wonderful moment that was for us! Shreve was so sweet and appreciative!! And I must say, reading this, I couldn't help but to tear-up reading your comment calling me and "Ordinary Hero"... a very proud moment! God is so good and His love was so big that day through every OH involved! Thanks again Kelly for putting this together!!
I am so excited to find this blog! I am the homeless liasion for the school system in my county and I am responsible for leading an inservice for all of our school counselors. I just assumed this responsibility last year and the inservice was pretty much done for me (paperwork, guidelines, blah, blah, blah). This year I want to give them a greater understanding of homelessness and hopefully help to increase compassion and services to our homeless families. I am really excited about the video you are doing. Would you please email me at I would really appreciate any help you could offer.
What a wonderful moment that was for us! Shreve was so sweet and appreciative!! And I must say, reading this, I couldn't help but to tear-up reading your comment calling me and "Ordinary Hero"... a very proud moment! God is so good and His love was so big that day through every OH involved! Thanks again Kelly for putting this together!!
ReplyDeleteSo proud of ya sista...Great work, kj
ReplyDeleteI am so excited to find this blog! I am the homeless liasion for the school system in my county and I am responsible for leading an inservice for all of our school counselors. I just assumed this responsibility last year and the inservice was pretty much done for me (paperwork, guidelines, blah, blah, blah). This year I want to give them a greater understanding of homelessness and hopefully help to increase compassion and services to our homeless families. I am really excited about the video you are doing. Would you please email me at I would really appreciate any help you could offer.
Beverly Dronebarger