Everyone on the team was excited that on day 7 we got to go back to Korah. Everyone seems to have made friends quickly in Korah.
Lots of friends....even if some of them aren't human, ha!
The kids LOVE Christian's long hair! He gets it braided everywhere we go.
Kim got to meet up with her sponsored child one last time.
I ran into my good friend, Sumer with P61, along the beaten path. Always so good to see her and all the great work she is doing for the people in the Korah community.
Deborah, Kenya, and Todd got to go say goodbye to their sponsor child's mother.
We walked through Korah and headed over to the Leprosy Hospital.
They have a gift shop in the hospital that we got to visit and buy some things. We were able to meet some of the women who were once outcasts in the community because of Leprosy, now weaving cotton and making beautiful things that we got to purchase in the gift shop.
Several of them showed us how they weave.
I always look forward to meeting the men who weave these straw mats.
There is such a stigma on people with leprosy. They are shunned from the community and have to deal with life in a hard way. BUT, look what amazing gifts and talents are hidden in these beautiful people when given the chance to reveal them.
Deborah decided it would be SO AWESOME to dress up her daughter and Porter in some of the Ethiopian garments!
Sorry kids!
We left the hospital and headed back to the shelter and church area.
One of my favorite things to do in Korah is just walk through the community and meet the beautiful people.
It was great running into Emily in Korah. She has her newlywed glow about her :-)
She just got married to someone from Korah and now helps in the community by running a clinic.
We stopped by the Mission Ethiopia compound. These are women from Korah who used to dig through the trash dump or beg for a living and are now employed making beautiful jewelry.
These women are precious!
We happened to stop in on them on their lunch break and it sounded like they were having church.
They were singing praise songs.
The director said they do this every single day to express their thanks to God for pulling them out of the mud and mire.
It is a beautiful sight and sound!
We said our goodbyes to Korah.
We won't forget these beautiful faces and precious souls!
We left Korah and headed back over to Hope 4 Hopeless to see the kids one last time.
Sweet Meron showed Deborah and Lauren her room at the shelter. She was so proud!
Words can't express what a treasure this young girl is. It was so good to see her again on this trip.
We loaded all the kids up from the shelter and decided to take them to the zoo.
Do you remember the awesome story of the young street boy who came to us and then we were able to help him get into the shelter? Well we got to see him again and he is doing SO AWESOME!
They had already given him a haircut and the directors said he is a good boy and doing great adjusting to his new life and meeting everyone.
Todd decided he would be his sponsor and got to tell him!
Now this young boy knows he doesn't have to worry about his future anymore.
This zoo in Ethiopia is known for it's Lions.
Our time at the zoo was cut short due to a downpour of rain that came in.
We loved getting to see our friends from Hope 4 Hopeless! We won't forget them and their precious spirits!
We took our wet selves and headed to dinner.
We went to the Lucy Restaurant and had dinner a little cold and wet :-)
The team has done so great enduring the long days.
It does catch up with you every now and then so you just grab a nap when you can.
Even Bissy took advantage of it, ha!
I'm guessing they have all bonded :-)

This team has such a great dynamic!
They have a lot of fun together...
...Sometimes a little too much fun at the guesthouse in the evenings!
Don't ask, haha!!
This has been an awesome team, an awesome trip, with lots of great folks changing many lives everywhere they go!
Team 3's last day in ET coming up next as they head to Woliso!
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