Well, after the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season has now come to a close, I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas.
I have to share what just made my Christmas. It wasn't what I received, it is what I gave and what I watched others give. Last Christmas we took presents to a family whom I had met while they were living in the homeless shelter. She had moved into public housing so we went by to check on them and took each of her 6 children she had living with her, a Christmas present. When we showed up on Christmas day last year the mother was fixing a Christmas dinner. I noticed there were no presents under the tree. The mom said that the kids understood that she could not give them Christmas so she was making them a nice Christmas dinner. They were thrilled to get the present that we brought each of them. I had no idea that they did not have anything for Christmas, as the mom had not mentioned it or asked for anything.
A month or two ago, I get a call from the mom telling me that she is going to be having another baby. She asked if I had any baby furniture in my donations. I rounded up the furniture and we took it to their house about a week before Christmas. They had just moved into this house about a month ago so there was stuff everywhere and the mother was too pregnant to do anything with it. They had no kitchen table. They had one twin mattress for all of the 6 children to sleep on. When I asked one daughter where they were sleeping she told me "on the floor." There were clothes everywhere because they had nowhere to put them. The full mattress the 9 month pregnant mom slept on was on the floor.
After we left I knew I wanted to gather a team of people to go in and get her organized. I couldn't imagine her bringing ANOTHER child into that place with no where to put her. We were planning on having our Christmas party so I put out word and a wish list and had everyone show up with a gift for this mother and her children for Christmas. I knew all of us together could bless them alot more than just my family could. So all of my gracious friends were thrilled to do this for this family. They all said they had been looking for someone to bless this Christmas. So, man, did the donations and presents come in for this family.
I get a call a couple of days before Christmas that she was in the hospital and had just had the baby. I round up my team and we head in there on the day before Christmas Eve to whip that place into shape, as she would be coming home with the baby soon. I picked up her oldest daughter who had been staying with her at the hospital. She came to help us. While there I get a call from the mother. She is crying and tells me that the baby was being taken right then into surgery due to complications. She was having a lung bypass. So get this mental picture......All these people who came to help this family, whom they don't even know, gather around and lift up this little baby in prayer during this crucial moment in this family's life. The daughter was visibly upset so we were able to give her words of encouragement as she worried for the life of her new baby sister. We had a mighty prayer warrior head up the prayer and let me tell you, heaven heard her. We got back to work and continued to pray as we worked. I later get a call from the mother who has a new level of peace about her and said the surgery went well and the baby was responding great to it. Thank you God, for answering our prayers.
We finish, the house looked amazing!! The mom came home while baby remained in the hospital on Christmas Eve and her other children came home to join her. They had been with a cousin. I just can't help but think how timely this all was. God knew the situation this family would be in right before Christmas. He knew that this little one would need prayer at a crucial hour as she did and He had us there together to pray right at that very moment for this mother and her new baby. God orchestrated it all to line up according to his perfect will and had each person in their perfect place to see that through. Amazing!!
Not long after they were all home, we showed up with all their Christmas presents that had been given by everyone at our party and beyond. Let me tell you that this family was soooo blessed. The mom was crying and they were just so happy. They also told me that they cried when they walked in and saw their new house. They were so amazed by all of it.
After we left and were driving home to have our own family Christmas, I realized that this is what Christmas is all about. I had just watched my friends give from their hearts and I had just watched my children carry in presents and give to a family in need before they had even had their own Christmas. I had just watched the faces of these little children as they lit up with every present they opened, knowing that they would not have had a Christmas if it weren't for everyone who pitched in to help them. It helps me realize that we can all do something to help others. We can all be an Ordinary Hero to someone in need. If we have an open heart and we ask God to show us the need.....He will put it right in front of us. This opened many hearts this Christmas and I hope that it has blessed yours.
I have a video that documents the whole thing. It is so sweet to see all that were involved in this outreach. It takes a village!! THIS FAMILY IS PRECIOUS!!