
Friday, February 3, 2012


Created For Care is holding a second Adoption retreat next month in Georgia March 23rd-25th!
 Their first retreat filled up SUPER fast and we (OH) missed out on that one. But the response was so GREAT they decided to have another one! Yippee! 

It's time for a Girl's trip folks!!!

Ordinary Hero is sooo there - WE ARE ALL REGISTERED UP!

And we would LOVE for

YOU and your bestie to join us!

Yep, that is RIGHT folks--

We are going to GIVE AWAY an all expense weekend which includes 2 paid  registrations (one for you and one for a friend ) for the Created for Care Conference at Lake Lanier Legacy Lodge and Conference Center , in Buford, Georgia (just north of Atlanta). LODGING will also included in this prize for Friday and Saturday Nights! All of your meals, snacks, beverages are covered as well with the retreat! Oh, and YOU know there's gonna be a FABULOUS goodie bag of OH goodies waiting for you when you check in!! Alright, How FUN is that? What 'cha waiting for chickadees???-- start packing y'all! (This prize is valued at over $600!!)
(The only thing you have to come up with is gas money and/or airfare and someone to watch your kids... )

The inspriation behind this contest was simple.... We have been reading all the comments about who is registering and who isn't  for this adoption conference on FB!

Seems like the #1 reason people aren't going is $$$$COST.

Hmmm... you see we have an affilaite program and we HELP people all the time FUNDRAISE so why not FUNDRAISE your way to the conference? It's easy cheesy and we all WIN! We want you there with us! We want to see your sweet faces and meet you in person!!

Sign up RIGHT NOW to become an OH affilaite (if you haven't already)--- and start sharing with your friends (at 6pm central time) to buy OH STORE items and have them select YOU as the affiliate. You will earn 40% of everything that you sell! That 40% can be applied DIRECTLY to the Created For CaRE Conference. (If you have left over monies you can send your monies to an adoption, a mission trip or any charity of your choice!) How fun is that? Some of you may need to just pay for the $165 registration fee-- some of you might need to pay for that plus the hotel. Some of you might just want the hotel... you get our point here.... We are have different needs but please don't let COST get in the way of going to this AMAZING conference! They say it takes a village to raise a family-- and we are going to be 400 women strong that GET your adoption and what you have or are going through!!!!

You. Don't. want. to. miss. this. retreat!

Plus, we are gonna have a super fun time!!
So, Here is how the contest will work....

The TOP seller will WIN the paid trip to the Conference and lodging! (OVER $600 value!)

Yay! But wait...
Remember -- even if you don't win the TIP TOP spot you can fundraise your way to the conference!

Our fundraising Coach, Gina Payne, will help you guys with ideas!! Find OH Fundraising on FB for loads of GREAT tips! Sign up to become an affiliate! All you need to do is click here and enter CREATED4CARE in the agency field..then enter ANY 9 digit number in the tax id field and that is it! Wa-La! You are now an OH affilaite! --  Gina will be sending out an email to all affilaites around 3pm (Central time) with lots of tips, so hurry up an sign up to become an affiliate! Start thinking about HOW YOU are gonna WIN and fundraise your way to this amazing conference! Oh, the lifelong friendships we will all make!!!

This contest will start at 6pm Friday (tonight) and will end midnight this Sunday (Central time)! Bam! That's gonna be a SUPER Fast contest! I hope you ALL win!
 Let's fundraise our way to Georgia and oh how we can't wait to see and meet all of you! It's gonna be a rockin' weekend of loving and praying for orphans, sharing our journeys and sharing lots of advice and tips that us adoptive mama's need! I can't wait to sit around in my PJ's and share and listen and learn with all of you!

See y'all in Georgia March 23- 25th!
Let's do this!


  1. What a blessing this will be to two women! I attended last year, and again this January. I WISH I could go to the March retreat as well, but I will have a new born baby by then. I can't wait to read how the Lord works in the lives of the women that you send through this!!!

  2. I'm a little confused.. Do I have the opportunity to win if we aren't adopting through an agency (or non-profit)?

  3. Yes you can win I you are not adopting through an agency. You will win the trip and then choose which nonprofit, church, adoptive family, etc that you want to bless with your earnings. If you are not the top winner you can use your earnings to buy your ticket and lodging. Hope that makes sense. :-)
